Five key differences between IUI and IVF

When it comes to assisted reproductive procedures, there are a lot of questions that the couples have. One of the common questions that they ask a fertility specialist is regarding the difference between IUI and IVF.


There are many similarities and differences between IUI and IVF. The similarity is that aim of both is to enable fertilization leading to pregnancy. 


Besides, both include taking medication to increase the chances of fertilization. In both procedures, we collect the sperms from the semen sample for use in fertilization.


There are five main differences between IUI and IVF:


1. Differences in where the fertilization takes place:  In IUI or intrauterine fertilization, the fertilization takes place inside the uterus. In this, the sperm is injected directly into a woman’s uterus. But in IVF or in vitro fertilization, the fertilization takes place outside the body, in the lab. The women’s eggs and men’s sperms are taken out of the body, into the lab and fertilized in the labAfter the fertilization, the embryo grows in the lab for a few days and is then placed inside the uterus.


2. Complexity of the procedure: IUI is a simple procedure in comparison to IVF. IUI is also called an “office procedure” because it takes only half an hour to 40 minutes to do. Within two hours, the lady can even go to her office and do her regular work. It is a painless process, and it does not require anesthesia.

IVF is a relatively complex procedure. It involves a process called “egg pickup which requires a day. The patient comes in the morning and then egg pick up is doneAfter about 4 hours of the procedure, the woman can leave and go home. It needs administration of anesthesia.  


3. Difference in success rate: In comparison to IUI, IVF has a higher success rate. It is because, in IVF, fertilization is assisted and reasonably assured. In IUI, the sperm has to meet the egg for fertilization on its own, which may or may not happen. Hence the chances of success with IVF are higher.


4. Average time of treatment: 

In the case of IVF, the time taken to get pregnant is faster. It is because, in IVF, the rate of success per cycle is higher. So, in women under 35 years of age, IVF is successful 50% - 65% of the time. Whereas, in IUI, the chances of getting pregnant are generally after three to four cycles as the success rate is below 15%.


5. Difference in cost of both procedures:  The complexity of both the procedures is different, and so is the price. IUI being a simple process, is comparatively less expensive, whereas IVF is more expensive. However, based on how many cycles it takes for IUI, the expense can go high too.



Both IUI and IVF help in pregnancy and help in fulfilling the dreams of having a baby. It is best to consult with the fertility specialists to decide about which is the most suitable option, based on the diagnosis by a fertility expert.


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