Essential nutrients for men to fight infertility
When you are fighting infertility through your diet, “egg” is not the only answer. In about half of infertile couples , there is a male factor contributing to infertility. Infertility specialists explain how making better food choices and staying active can improve your overall health, including your chances of becoming a father. Studies reveal that vitamins and supplements can help fight infertility. Here are some essential nutrients that a male partner should consume. 1. Zinc: Zinc is a nutrient that contributes to the assembly of semen and production of testosterone in men. It impacts both the quantity and productivity of sperms. Men should keep the dietary allowance of 15 mg of zinc daily. Zinc is found naturally in green vegetables, eggs, whole grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, watermelon, edible fruit, onions, beetroot, peas and beans. 2. VITAMIN C: Vitamin C helps improve sperm count and avoids clumping of sperms together. One can consume vitamin C through vegetables and frui...